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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What's the definition of a husband..

A husband is someone who supports all his family needs. They don't watch their family struggle and can pay what they can for bills. A husband is someone who is there not ASKING PEOPLE to support his family, NOT ASKING PEOPLE TO DO HIS PART. A husband is someone who is supposed to love his family not abuse them and hurt his wife repeatedly. THAT IS NOT A HUSBAND, WHEN YOU START FEELING LESS AND LESS AND THEY BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING, THAT'S NOT A HUSBAND. LOVE, COMMUNICATION, COMMITMENT WORKS BOTH WAYS BUT ITS NOTHING WHEN THEY PROVE THEY ARE NOT A HUSBAND.

Hidden Fees Branch Banking

  Banks, banks a good because they are in person and you can go there if you have any problems but the problem with an actual bank is that t...