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Friday, June 1, 2018

God is real and Hell is hot!

God is good and all the time God is good. If you do not know him then you better ask someone and get to know him because he created you and me along with everything else. If you do not believe him it's because you have never realized you met him but who do you think was there when you wrecked your car or when something was happening? He was! Everything happens for a reason. It helps you mold into who your supposed to be. God forgives all of those that believes. Your sins have been covered and blessed and forgives in the blood of Jesus. In Jesus Name! Bless be the and forgive me for all my sins along with the ones I may not know! The Devil is real and he is a lier and a desiver. He will try to walk into your lives and family and home just to steal your happiness and do nothing but lie to you but NOT TO DAY DEVIL I REBUKE YOU FROM EVERYONE WHO READS THIS POST GET AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILY, MARRIAGE, HOME AND GET AWAY FROM ALL THEIR STUFF.

Heavenly father, I pray that you will walk though people's hearts and homes. I pray that you heal those joys that the devil have stolen and fix the things that was broken. I pray that the person confines in you and starts over with you. I pray people will get closer to you. I pray that you will be bless by the hands and blood of God and have all your sins forgiven. In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost. Amen.
Thank you all for reading this and letting me get some prayer and the word of God out because he is so much more than you think. He is my father and a Shepard I shall not want. GLORY TO GOD! God bless you all.

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